You searched for: “geomagnetic poles
geomagnetic pole (s) (noun), geomagnetic poles (pl)
Either of two antipodal (opposite) points marking the intersection of the Earth's surface with the extended axis of a powerful magnet bar which is assumed to be located at the center of the Earth and indicating the source of the actual magnetic field of the Earth: A geomagnetic pole is one of two regions of the Earth with very high magnetic field strength, taken to be the points at which a line, drawn between the poles of a magnetic dipole generating the Earth's magnetic field and extending out in both directions, would cross the Earth's surface.

The north pole of a magnet, such as a compass needle, is attracted to the geomagnetic north pole because the Earth's north pole is actually a magnetic south pole (and its geomagnetic south pole is a magnetic north pole).

This entry is located in the following unit: geo-, ge- + (page 13)